Woods to Water (W2W) for Training the Next Generation of Ecologists and Natural Resource Managers
The lab is excited to announce new funding from the National Science Foundation's Research and Mentoring for Postbaccalaureates (RaMP) in Biological Sciences program. This program aims to establish networks to support full-time research, mentoring, and training for recent college graduates who have had few or no research or training opportunities during college. Our funded project, the Woods to Water (W2W) project is an experience-based learning program aimed at helping early career scientists understand critical linkages between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The W2W program will provide a year-long immersive, cohort- and field-based program in standardized methods and data science, with the first cohort starting May 2024. W2W will provide training opportunities in terrestrial and aquatic settings, partnering with NSF’s National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and the Jones Center at Ichauway (JCI; a non-profit research station) to train post-baccalaureates in key field techniques that link water, carbon, and nutrient fluxes among ecosystems —a key signature of ecological connectivity. SEE here for more details.
We are excited to announce that MS student David Yannick has been awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship! These are highly competitive awards, and are so thrilled to have David use this funding to continue his research on transitional ecosystem carbon and energy dynamics in the Everglades. Way to go, David!
After our publication of a paper in Nature Scientific Reports, Brazil nut research is front and center! Conserve this species and you conserve the Amazon forest...